CEO’s you can make a big difference in the fight against climate change!

Support and facilitate the creation of voluntary climate communities in your organisation in order to engage your employees to take climate actions at work.

According to the Paris agreement we must as individuals reduce our CO2 footprint by 2030. The workplace has been proven by social science to be the most effective social community for behavioral change. Let’s use it to reduce our CO2 footprint.

Climate Savior

How it works

Social tipping point

In our opinion, the social tipping points are the only hope we have for surviving climate change. If, for example, an app like Climate Savior can help facilitate a new culture in the workplace where climate action becomes completely natural for the majority of employees, then the climate effect will be significant. We have seen a social tipping point with, for example, running clubs in Denmark where the DHL race in Denmark has gone from 1,000 workplaces in 1994 to 30,000 workplaces in 2024 as participants.

CEO support

The active support of the CEO to the creation of voluntary climate communities is absolutely crucial. Otherwise Climate Savior will never be a success and in the long run help change the culture of the workplace.


The app (IOS & Android) has been designed around the principle of “gamification”. It means that we have build-in a number of funny reward mechanisms into the app. Which makes it funny and rewarding for employees and teams to use the app every day.


Swiss Re’s

Swiss Re’s Climate Action programme results 2022:
• 30,000 individual acts of climate activism by the eatablished climate community.
• 1,500 tonnes of direct removal through carbon certificates.
• A cumulative direct removal of thousands of tonnes globally.
Swiss Re is a major global insurance and service company. We are one of the first service organisations to help our employees create a voluntarily global climate community by offering them an app that can facilitate the community’s climate actions, education and dialog inside the company.
James Hartley
Global HR Leader at , Swiss Re


The Climate Savior app helped us create a climate community by identifying those equal minded coworkers that want to take individual and team-based climate action and empower them to work together to help Envision reduce its future CO2 emissions. It alsp help reduce climate anxiety among employees.
It is fun and meaningful and an effective way to develop and build a new company climate community across organizational boundaries and educate people on the topic and why its so important. Over time climate action will be come part of the company culture.
Rikke Petersen
Designer & Employee, Envision A/S. Danish Advertising Company.

Envision’s CEO

We have a goal of becoming a net zero advertising company in the future with a climate positive culture and values. Our employees are 80% of our companys CO2 footprint.
As an element of that strategy, we chose to give all employees the climate app Climate Savior.
The good thing about the Climate Savior app is that it help employees identify fellow coworkers that want to take climate action at their workplace. It also help to reduce climate anxiety inside the organisation. Our climate community has become an internal climate movement that help the leadership team realise our future climate goals.
Anders Tranæs, CEO

If we are enough that save CO2 at the workplace the accumulated effect will be large. E.g. 1 million Danish workers x 10 tons CO2 saved = 10 million tons CO2 saved yearly. That more than 50% of the offical target for Denmark as a country !.

Climate Savior

What we offer

Climate actions

The apps offers the employees a larger number of climate actions as inspiration. The app calculate continuoasly how many kg CO2 the employee save. The employees can also use the app as teams and compete with other teams on how many kg CO2 they can save.

Climate community

The app support through the chat function the dialog and interaction between members of the community. They can brainstorm what the workplace can do to save CO2 or plan a future climate event at the workplace or share ideas for saving CO2 as individuals.

Climate education

Most employees have a very general knowledge of climate and thus need to gain a more fact-based understanding. The apps Climate Academy contain a large number of articles and videos explaining the climate science. The app also has a fun climate quiz.

Get started today, get in touch!

Our Team & History

Climate Savior has been working on the app for more that 4 years and we have tried and tested a number of different version with pilot customers to arrive at our current version 1.0. Until now we have been self-financed hence we have no debt and very low operating cost. So we are in it for the long run.

Palle Simonsen

Founder and CEO

Palle Simonsen is a very experienced IT architect and developer. He lives in Sofia, Bulgaria, where Climate Savior is also registered and has its development department.

Jon Tranæs

Investor & Chair of board

Jon Tranæs is a very experienced management consultant and has a long managerial career with companies such as Price Waterhouse, IBM, SAP and Microsoft.